How CISOs Can Ace Cyber Risk Reporting to the Board and the SEC

CISOs face unprecedented pressure and scrutiny: Regulatory bodies demand clear and accountable cybersecurity reporting, while boards require dollar-driven insights to safeguard shareholder value and minimize business risk exposure.

The ball is in the CISO’s court to translate technical cyber risk insights into contextual business information that the board and regulators understand.

Watch this webinar and discover how to:

  • Ace board reporting: Communicate cyber risk in financial terms to the board and meet SEC requirements of defensible and transparent reporting.
  • Get defensible numbers and data: Gain rock-solid, data-driven evidence with internationally recognized risk quantification standards that meet regulatory requirements and board expectations.
  • Justify your budget: Leverage AI to identify and prioritize your most critical cyber risks, show ROI, justify your budget, and gain approval.
  • Foster accountability: Build a collaborative risk culture with simple, impactful dollar-value reporting that gets everyone on the same page.

Watch now and take control of your cybersecurity narrative!

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